Yes! Medicare for All


This is a comparison of the candidate profiles of Congresswoman Anna Eshoo and Rishi Kumar

Access to affordable healthcare should be a right for all.

President Lyndon B. Johnson, 54 years ago signed Medicare into law. Why? The reality then was that 56% of seniors lacked health care. This set a historic course for America by covering every single senior’s healthcare. What a fantastic political achievement!

Today, we continue to have a healthcare challenge with 29 million Americans uninsured. The price of insulin has gone up a 1000% in the last 20 years. Only in America!

These problems won’t go away until we pass Medicare for All. Medicare for All has had three historic Congressional hearings and has 118 co-sponsors to Representative Jayapal’s bill in the House. We are seemingly trending in the right direction.

Congresswoman Anna Eshoo does not support H.R 1384, Medicare for All.

But I do.

American families want quality, affordable health care. That’s why we need more fighters in public office who will put citizens first and not the lobbyists. I am committed to stand with the families of our district.

I refuse all PAC money. I will continue to prioritize the health of the American people over the profits of the health industry.The growing burden of healthcare is one of the reasons why families are declaring bankruptcy in our country. It’s time to pass legislation that our families need and deserve.

As your congressman, I will fight for Medicare for All



Rishi Kumar, Candidate for U.S Congress CA CD18

@rishikumar1 US House candidate, CA-18 Proud Democrat, Candidate for Congress in #CA18, Saratoga City Councilmember, Hi-Tech Executive, #NoPACMoney #GND #M4A