Why we refute Rep. Eshoo’s labor endorsements?

The COVID-19 crisis has left millions of Americans unemployed and stunted our economy. We need to grow our economy and add jobs. America’s highly outsourced pharmaceutical supply chain makes us vulnerable to emergencies like the COVID-19 pandemic, a future biowarfare or even bioterrorism. It has become a national security issue.

In the past two decades, the American economy has lost over 5 million manufacturing jobs alone. Our country is currently involved in disastrous free trade agreements that leave us economically disadvantaged. To address the Personal Protective Equipment challenge that our front-line American health workers experienced during the pandemic, we must develop a self-reliant supply chain, reduce our economic reliance on China, and bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S..

In addition, these unacceptable trade deals must be re-examined and potentially re-negotiated. That’s why I support the push to create an improved version of NAFTA in the form of the USMCA. USMCA incentivizes companies to invest in the United States. I believe the USMCA can serve as a model for trade deals going forward. Improving existing trade deals will bring jobs back to America and address America’s income inequality challenge. This is a key differentiator between Rep. Eshoo and myself. Rep. Eshoo has consistently voted in favor of trade bills that led to depletion of American jobs such as NAFTA and TPP. That is why I have refuted the endorsement of Rep. Eshoo by California Labor Federation, AFL-CIO, NUHW and SEIU in a letter that was emailed to these organizations.

As your congressman, I will prioritize rebuilding Silicon Valley’s vibrant economy, creating jobs and opportunity in the post COVID-19 world. As a hi-tech executive, I understand what it takes for our Silicon Valley innovation to succeed and for the gains to spread to our middle class and working-class families — we most promote job growth and income equality, creating opportunities for all. Here is my policy for our innovation economy.

I invite you to discuss this at our Sunday town hall meeting. RSVP at RishiKumar.com/MeetRishi



Rishi Kumar, Candidate for U.S Congress CA CD18

@rishikumar1 US House candidate, CA-18 Proud Democrat, Candidate for Congress in #CA18, Saratoga City Councilmember, Hi-Tech Executive, #NoPACMoney #GND #M4A