Purge Big Money from Politics

Since we launched our campaign to change the culture of Washington, I’ve crisscrossed across the district, holding town halls throughout our neighborhoods in each of the three counties in the pre-covid-19 world, and am talking to voters directly about the critical issues impacting our district. Every day, our campaign is growing and gaining new supporters — and it is because of supporters like you!

During the pandemic, we held 23 town hall meetings in a few weeks discussing issues of economy, stimulus package loans, college admissions, healthcare issues and more. We called 86,000 seniors in our community, helping them with groceries, prescriptions, masks and more. Hundreds of our volunteers helped thousands of neighbors.

I seek your help to withstand the onslaught of Special Interest Groups and PACs “Big Money” that have exerted their influence upon the narrative of American politics. This is the reason why the interests of our district residents and the American people are NOT being met.

Silicon Valley needs a vigorous champion in Congress. We intend doing exactly that!

We need engaged leaders who understand the current Silicon Valley challenges of housing, transportation along with complex topics such as Net Neutrality and the impact of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning upon our future economy. We need leaders who are invested to take real action.

I am NOT a career politician but an engineer and a hi-tech software executive. Clearly my success in tech has defined who I am today. That is why I see my years of public service as an opportunity to solve problems and make it better for the people. Just ask anyone in Saratoga.

While many of our elected leaders speak in jargons, slogans and solicit funds from lobbyists, I am advocating for proven policies like bringing an innovative Silicon Valley agenda to the rest of America and fearlessly stepping up for our community’s top challenges, just like we did to prevent rising water bills and reducing crime — all while rejecting special interest donations.

My run is all about protecting the interests of the people with citizen-centric behavior. I am saying NO to all special interest money.

Special interests will try to block our progress.

But, I am standing up to them because of supporters like you. That’s the kind of grassroots campaign we’re building together.

I know that together we can only win!



Rishi Kumar, Candidate for U.S Congress CA CD18

@rishikumar1 US House candidate, CA-18 Proud Democrat, Candidate for Congress in #CA18, Saratoga City Councilmember, Hi-Tech Executive, #NoPACMoney #GND #M4A