A Stanford Medical Student writes

In House, Kumar would owe nothing to PACs

As a Stanford medical student, I’m concerned about The Stanford Daily’s endorsement of Rep. Anna Eshoo. Rep. Eshoo has accepted almost $1.8 million — highest of any representative — from PACs and people affiliated with pharmaceutical companies while chairing the House Health Subcommittee; something even The Daily expressed concern with. Eshoo excused these contributions by citing her “expertise, tenure and geography”.

I don’t buy it. Big money in politics has stolen fair representation away from the average person. Rep. Eshoo has even passed legislation to raise health care prices, showing where her loyalty lies.

America’s problems worsen every year from lobbyist driven politics. Shouldn’t The Stanford Daily seek to clean up American politics, emphasize ethical integrity and set an example for future generations? I believe Stanford should consider rescinding its endorsement of Rep. Eshoo, and reconsider her challenger Rishi Kumar — a progressive who rejects PAC money — in November’s election.

Michael Ko

San Jose

This letter (above) is from the Letters section of the San Jose Mercury News



Rishi Kumar, Candidate for U.S Congress CA CD18

@rishikumar1 US House candidate, CA-18 Proud Democrat, Candidate for Congress in #CA18, Saratoga City Councilmember, Hi-Tech Executive, #NoPACMoney #GND #M4A